
(SOLE channel Music NYC)

ニューヨークのディープハウス、ガラージ、ディスコ、ソウルといった様々なダンスミュージックに影響を受け、国内外の現場にて数々のアーティストと共演経験を積む。現在は、毎週月曜開催中のパーティ Monday Channelを中心に、良質なハウスミュージックを届けている。
ダンスシーンからの信頼も厚く国内トップレベルのダンスバトル(JUST DEBOUT JAPAN、Summer Dance Forever Japan、DANCE@LIVE、THE GAME etc…)や、HOUSE DANCE CROSSINGといった国内最大規模のパーティでもプレイ。ここぞという場面に欠かせないフロアのナビゲーターと言える。
さらにニューヨークハウスミュージックの日常的(=雑音的)を表現した「Big Apple Noize」、そして所属レーベルのカラーを表現した「SOLE THANG」という2つのミックスシリーズをハイペースでリリースしており、現場以外の場面においてもストイックに音楽と向き合い続けている。
コロナ禍においても、CORNER DELI STOREでのオンライン販売や自宅からのDJライブ配信など、発信力は一切低下せず、あくまでリスナーやヘッズの日常に寄り添いながらカルチャーを提供している。
2016年、ハウスミュージックのレーベルである〈SOLE channel Music NYC〉に正式加入。
2019年、オンラインショップ CORNER DELI STOREをオープン。ニューヨークでしか手に入らないアイテムや現地のアーティストとコラボしたオリジナルアイテム、そして「Big Apple Noize」「SOLE THANG」の2つのミックスシリーズのデータもダウンロード購入可能。

DJ K-Katsu, who started his career at the end of 1999, is originally from Osaka but nowadays also does international gigs.
He is inspired by different kinds of Dance Music, such as New York’s Deep House, Garage, Disco and Soul and was able to gain experience by co-starring numerous famous artists in Japan and overseas.
At present, he hosts a high quality HOUSE MUSIC party every Monday called “Monday Channel“.
His music selection ranges from the classics to the newest HOUSE MUSIC that is played in New York at the moment.
He has an established reputation as a DJ due to his never ending determination to bring the time difference with NY close to 0 while paying close attention to the mood on the dance floor.
Thanks to the deep trust of the Japanese dance scene, DJ K-Katsu was and is able to play at the top Japanese dance battles (JUSTE DEBOUT JAPAN, Summer Dance Forever Japan, DANCE@LIVE, THE GAME, etc.) and biggest parties, such as HOUSE DANCE CROSSING.
One can say that he is an indispensable floor navigator for the scene.
Every summer he has several gigs at New York’s major clubs.
In addition to that, local artists think very highly of his work as a DJ.
Putting his experience to good use during the “Golden Week“, he plays at the at the yearly “New York Fair“ at the Hankyu Umeda Department Store, where he is also in charge of the bookings.
DJ K-Katsu plays a big part in the exchange between New York and Japan in all things street and beyond.
Furthermore, he regularly releases 2 mix series: “Big Apple Noize“, with which he aims to bring New York’s essence close to the listener through characteristic NY HOUSE MUSIC, and “SOLE THANG“, a mix series that includes a variety of different House genres.
Be it in Japan or for other international scenes, he incessantly continues to make music.
While playing, he aims to transmit New York’s vibes to his Japanese listeners on the floor and to connect players all over the country in terms of feelings.
During the Corona Crisis, he keeps selling NEW YORK CULTURE x HOUSE MUSIC merchandise in his online store “CORNER DELI STORE“ and is regularly broadcasting DJ lives from home via Instagram to keep the club culture alive.
To the last, he provides culture while staying close to the daily lives of his listeners and the house heads.
In 2016 he became an official member of the HOUSE MUSIC label “SOLE CHANNEL MUSIC NYC“.
Three years later, in 2019, he opened his online shop ,“ Corner Deli Store“, where one can find items that are normally only available in New York as well as items that he produces in collaboration with local artists.
In addition to that, it is also possible to purchase and download his 2 mix series „Big Apple Noize” and “SOLE THANG“.

text by Seiji Horiguchi