ボルチモア出身、ブルックリン在住のDJ/プロデューサーとして世界中を駆け回る彼のキャリアはMos Def、De La Soul、Tupac Shakur等と共に活動した90年代のアンダーグラウンド・ヒップホップシーンを起点とし、サウンド/ヴィジュアル面に至るまで多彩な才能を発揮してきた。若き日の1993年には故郷ボルチモアのハウス・レジェンドBasement Boysとのコラボレーションも行い、後の転機へと繋がって行く事となる。
そしてハウス / ディスコ方面へと舵を切った近年は卓越した選曲眼とミックス・スキルでSadar Bahar、Rahaan、Glenn Undergroundといった面々と肩を並べる存在感を放ち、Montreux Jazz Festival、Dekmantel Festival、国内でもRainbow Disco Clubといったビッグパーティにも招聘、また地元ブルックリンでレジデンシーを務めるPublic Recordsでオールナイトセットも度々披露している。
製作面においても〈Sound Signature〉から発表され多方面で大きな話題となったソロ作「Moon Circuitry」(2015)を筆頭に〈Secretsundaze〉、〈MCDE〉、〈Local Talk〉、〈Phonica〉といったレーベルからのリミックス製作、中でもPeggy Gou「Traveling without arriving」(2018)でのリミックスはDerrick Mayもピックアップ、また昨年末RDCのレーベル〈Beyond Space And Time〉から「Pursuit Of The Journey」もリリースし、同パーティを象徴する一曲となった。
Whether you view GE-OLOGY as a world class producer, visual artist or DJ depends on how long you’ve known him. His prolific contributions to music and art span over 40 years and are well documented. An artist in every sense, GE-OLOGY has excelled across numerous disciplines like illustration, graphic design and music production all well before the term “multidisciplinary artist” was popularized. From his early days producing underground hip hop for the likes of Black Star, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, De La Soul, and even a young Tupac Shakur, or his collaborative alteration of the hip hop visual & fashion landscape with the jointly talented Matt Doo through their artistic partnership’Dooable Arts’in the 1990s, the Baltimore born/New York City based DJ/ProducerNisual Artist GE OLOGY has long established himself as an internationally respected artist and musical mind. Recording with prominent vocalists like Jill Scott, Yukimi Nagano, Vinia Mojica and Jem, to his mind blowing dancefloor classic “Moon Circuitry” featuring virtuoso Mark de Clive Lowe on Theo Parrish’s legendary Sound Signature imprint, GE-OLOGY’s soulful and eclectic genre defying musical compositions have consistently found a home on the decks of the most discerning DJs and music lovers around the world.
In addition to his work in the studio, GE-OLOGY is also an accomplished selector in his own right. His profound artistry sets him apart from his peers and is abundantly clear in his DJing and musical experimentation. He flawlessly expresses contrast, depth, texture and color to blend music and art into a single creative lens. “It’s really the same language. You can describe music in artistic ways and colors in a very musical way.” When asked about his taste and approach to music selection, GE-OLOGY keeps it simple. “Every time I play, I want to bring something special to the table, and tell a story.” Whether it’s overlooked cheap “heat”, music people don’t really know or high value rare records that very few people have, he digs for music that’s under the radar̶ extremely funky, soulful and moving. There’s something very personal, intimate and risky in his approach to playing records that you don’t often experience in today’s DJ sets. Always intriguing and exciting, GE-OLOGY engages dancers with selects from his carefully curated vinyl collection, organically bringing them up and down to different emotional places, weaving diverse genres that seamlessly coalesce to bring dance floors to life.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/geology365
Web : http://www.ge-ology.com