Scott Monteithはミュージシャン、サウンドアーティスト、音楽テクノロジーの教育者であり、Deadbeatとしての活動でその名をよく知られている。カナダで生まれ現在ベルリンを拠点に活動するDeadbeatは2000年代に入ってからプロデュース活動を開始し、16枚のアルバム、20枚以上のシングル、数え切れないほどのリミックスやコラボレーションを発表しており、現代のエレクトロニック・ミュージックのカノンの中で最も多作で、一貫して実りあるカタログを誇っている。
彼の初期の作品の音の深みにおいてモントリオールの街が大きな役割を果たしている。1998年に市内に移住してから、地元の音楽ソフトウェア開発会社Applied Acoustics Systemsで働き、夜遅くまで自身の創作活動に励んだ。そして2006年春ベルリンへ拠点を移すと世界中の名だたるクラブやフェスティバルから出演依頼がくるようになった。
制作、DJ活動に加え、世界的に有名なRed Bull Music AcademyやMicrosoft、Abletonなどから教育的な講演でのスピーカーやワークショップの指導者として招聘されるなど彼の能力は高く認められている。膨大な創造的ビジョンを持つたゆまぬ革新者であり、20年以上に渡って絶えることのないScott Monteithの創造性はこれからも静まる気配はない。
Scott Monteith is a musician, sound artist and music technology educator best known for his work under the stage name Deadbeat. Having launched his production career at the turn of the millennium, the Canadian-born, Berlin-based producer’s 16 Deadbeat albums, two-dozen singles, and countless remixes and collaborations represent one of most prolific and consistently rewarding catalogues in the modern electronic-music canon.
The city of Montreal played an out sized role in the sonic depths of his early works. Moving to the city in 1998 he secured a day job with local music software developer Applied Acoustics Systems and spent the late hours pursuing his own creative endeavours. In the spring of 2006 Monteith would make the move to Berlin. The move proved fruitful as his creative focus shifted from the studio to the stage, resulting in performance invitations from the most respected clubs and festivals the world over.
As a DJ, Monteith is a dub archivist second to none, with a collection spanning the genre’s early Jamaican roots, through the “steppers” versions of the 80s and 90s championed in the UK and Europe, to the current crop of global producers pushing the dub sounds into previously unheard directions and widely divergent rhythmic structures. This was most clearly highlighted with the release of his critically acclaimed DJ mix Radio Rothko in 2010, rated by various publications as one of the most genre defining mix CDs of all time.
In addition to his production and performance activities, his abilities as an educational speaker and workshop leader have been regularly called upon by the world renowned Red Bull Music Academy, as well as technology leaders such as Microsoft and Ableton among others. A tireless innovator of vast creative vision, 20 plus years on Scott Monteith’s restless creative spirit shows no signs of being quieted for many years to come.
Spotify :
Mix (SC) :
Mix (MC) :
HÖR radio
Nov 19 / 2022 :
Sep 14 / 2023 :
Monteith’s extensive 21 year discography including 20 albums, 36 singles and nearly 100 remixes and countless production credits
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